Requested Actions

Questions to School District

The following questions are asked to the school district and we request answers in writing.

  1. Are there any disciplinary actions towards staff and students that use derogatory remarks towards minority students? An example is the use of the  “N” word that is often used at your campuses, yet, nothing is done to stop the use of derogatory words towards students of color.
  1. What is the percentage of minority students enrolled in the Davis Joint Unified School District in the last 10 years and the number of students that go on to a four year university?
  1. What is the number of minorities that apply to positions within the Davis Joint Unified School District and how many of those applicants receive job offers? 
  1. Beside a list of links on the Davis Joint Unified School District website, what is the Davis Joint Unified School district actively doing to inform students, parents and teachers to prevent racist remarks?
  1. The percentage of administrative staff that are minority? The percentage of non-administrative staff that are minority?
  1. Does the Davis Joint Unified School District consider lawsuits against administrator candidates in their past position at other schools or school districts? Does the Davis Joint Unified School District allow for administrators to take on positions when it should have been known that the administrator failed to protect children in their previous positions?
  1. What actions have the School District taken to recruit people of color for administrator positions?
  1. Are minority teachers provided with resources and support if they are a target of a racist act? What resources and support is available for teachers and staff that are targets of discrimination by other staff including school administrators? Do teachers have a safe and confidential way to report racist remarks?
  1. What resources are available for minority staff, that are not teachers, when confronted with racism? 
  1. Have students ever been disciplined for using racist remarks like the “N” word in school?
  1. What college resources do counselors have for students of color?
  1. How often does the Davis Joint Unified School District address racism in school board public meetings?
  1. What does the Davis Joint Unified School District do to ensure that racist incidents are fully investigated and that a conclusion is reached that protects students and teachers of color? 
  1. Are students of color disciplined more than any other student population?
  1. Are minority students disciplined more inside the classroom and marked down on their class assignments and exams due to being minorities? 
  1. Please provide pictures of all racist incidents that involve writings on walls, doors or any other school property. 
  1. Why does the Davis Joint Unified School District require parents to print a PDF file, fill it out and then submit it via email to submit a complaint? This prevents parents from filling a complaint because some parents may not have access to a computer or a printer. The school district should allow parents to submit the complaint online. 

Athletics Questions

  1. Do you invite individuals from the community to apply for the coaching positions at Davis Senior High School? When was the last time you publicly announced that anyone can apply to these positions? 
  1. What process do you have in place to prevent conflicts of interest for coaches that run outside clubs and financially benefit from parents whose kids will try out for high school? 
  1. Do you evaluate coaches on a yearly basis?  If so, would you please share a copy of your past evaluation? 
  1. Do you have rules for coaches which require them to not invite parents and kids to their homes?
  1. Do coaches have to disclose conflicts of interests such as family membership, strong friendships with parents? 
  1. Have you provided in the past training for coaches to prevent conflicts of interests?
  1. Do you have a procedure in place to protect kids who have been harassed by coaches?
  1. Are coaches required to disclose their current financial interest, coaching positions and leadership positions at local clubs?
  1. What is the percentage of minority students that have been accepted to participate in teams at the high school in the last 10 years, including soccer, basketball, volleyball and swimming?  
  1. Percentage of players that were accepted to the Davis High School teams that  belong to local clubs?

  2. What is your process for allowing non-coaches at tryouts? Please provide a list of documents where you have authorized non-coaches to be at tryouts.